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Contact Details:

Address: Computerweg 11 3542DP UTRECHT Email address:

Terms and Conditions

When you use this app, you agree to the terms and conditions of use as indicated on this page. The content of this app has been carefully compiled. However, this app cannot guarantee the products offered by partners. This relates to the nature, accuracy and content of information. This app is not responsible for errors or inaccuracies resulting from the use of the information contained.

Purpose of this app

This app is aimed at providing a trading course. Possible partners’ offers do not expire via this app but through the partners of this app.


AdsVentures Internet Media is the owner of this app. We reserve the right to make any immediate changes to the app without providing notice. Efforts are made to prevent possible way of abuse of this app. However, we are not liable for any notices or messages communicated to users over the internet. This app excludes all liability for direct and indirect damage of any kind, which may result from the use of the app. AdsVentures Internal Media excludes liability and liability for direct and / or indirect intellectual or consequential damages including loss of profits that in any way derives from, but is not limited to: a) viruses or other defects in equipment and other software in exchange for access to or the use of this app; b) Intercepting, changing or improper use of information; c) the operation or the unavailability of this app; d) the operation or non-availability of telecommunications and / or mobile internet; e) abuse of this app; f) loss of data; g) downloading or using software provided through the app; h) third party claims in connection with the use of this app. AdsVentures Internet Media offers this app from the Netherlands and does not mean that this information is also available abroad. If a user uses this app from abroad, the user is responsible for compliance with applicable local laws. This app does not provide investment advice and does not make recommendations for making certain investments. The information on the app may, in part, be written based on personal experience These may be virtual trades. This app is therefore no liable for any losses that may arise from you own investments. The returns on your investments can fluctuate strongly. Past performance does not provide any guarantees for the future. Investing through leverage products such as CFD’s (Contract For Difference) can pose significant risks. Make sure you are always aware of the specific risks of trading and investment products. See for more information on the risks of trading.

Privacy Policy

Click here for the privacy policy.

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